Допоможіть будь ласка ДУУУЖККК потрібно



Ответ дал: yalegaa


1. Yes, please.

2. I am 12.

3. I like a lot of different kinds of music.

4. I go to the concerts every two weeks. I like conserts!

5. I think the most popular kind of music at our school is k-pop. I don't like it.

8. Yes, I love dancing, it makes me feel better.


Остальное хз

Ответ дал: Bibaris11

1) Yes, I'm ready for your questions .

2) I'm ... years old.

3) I'm into rap and rock music type.

4) I go to concerts two times in a month.

5) I think the most popular kind of music in my school is rap.

6) No, I'm not but I would like to join in one of them.

7) I don't buy them, I usually listen them on Spotify.

8) No, I'm not.

9) I like parties, because it cheers up.

Пожалуйста Brainlest answer

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