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Ответ дал: Werrina


Look at that fellow in a yellow jacket, blue jeans, brown boots and a green cap. Do you know him? He is the Big Banana. He is from a hot country, from Africa. But now he lives in Great Britain.

He has got a big body, long arms, short legs, small feet, little green eyes, brown hair, a big red nose and a little red mouth.

He's a nice funny fellow. And he's clever. He's very clever, much cleverer than his sister

And he's a great worker. He works a lot.

That's why he grows, and grows, and grows. That's why he is so big — the Big Banana. He works a lot and grows quickly.

The Big Banana has got many friends — different fruits and vegetables - oranges, apples, lemons, pineapples,1 pears, grapes,3 tangerines,4 carrots and many other friends. They all like the Big Banana because he is good. He's very, very good.


And who is that lady with long yellow hair, big blue eyes, a little white nose, a little red mouth, short arms, short legs, small hands and small feet?  Her clothes are so beautiful!  And she looks beautiful too.

It's the Big Banana's sister— the Little Banana.

But why is she so little?

Because she is lazy, she's very, very lazy She doesn't want to work. That's why she doesn't grow. That's why she is so little - the Little Banana.

Her brother, the Big Banana, lakes good care of his sister. He teaches her  how to work, how  to grow,  how  to  make  mends with  other   fruits  and  vegetables,  but   it's   a  slow   business she doesn't want to.  She's too lazy. She doesn't care about it. The  only   thing   she   cares   about   is - how   to   look   beautiful. She cares a lot only about her clothes. Look what she's wearing today - a white blouse, a long blue skirt, white shoes and a big green hat. She thinks she looks beautiful.

And what do you think?

Аноним: спасибо огромное
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Аноним: Лика Санакоева
Аноним: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} }
kokonats: And who is that lady with long yellow hair, big blue eyes, a little white nose, a little red mouth, short arms, short legs, small hands and small feet? Her clothes are so beautiful! And she looks beautiful too.
– It's the Big Banana's sister— the Little Banana.
– But why is she so little?
– Because she is lazy, she's very, very lazy. She doesn't want to work. That's why she doesn't grow. That's why she is so little – the Little Banana.
Her brother, the Big Banana, takes good care of his sister.
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