Complete the sentences with the correct form of

shall, will, be going to or the present continuous.

1 Look at this messl Mum.......be very angry!

2 l......................... tidy up this weekend because

I want to invite some friends round.

3 Your room......................... stay tidy for long!

4 There ........................be some fantastic offers

in the sales.

5 l......................... look for some new things for

my room.

6 That's a great idea! I......................... come with you.

7........we buy some CDs in the sale?

8 No, it's my birthday on Saturday and my parents.........me some new CDs


Ответ дал: Лорееенц
1.will 2. Going to 3.shall 4.will(?) 5.going to 6.will 7.shall 8. Going to buy
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