Present / Past Perfect
10. It is the easiest job 1 o ... (ever/have). 11. I fell better after I ... (take) h medicine. e the medicine. 12. I ... (nolfbe) there for ages. 13. I was late. The teacher ... (already/give) a quiz when I came into the classroom. 14. She is here for an hour. Where she ... (be)? 15. When I got to the station. the 9 o'clock train ... (already/leave) 16. Do you like caviar? I don't know, 1 ... (never/eat) it. 17. We ... (not/finish) our work by the time. 18. We are going to the restaurant tonight. lie ... (reserve) the table. 19. Her face is familiar for me but I ... (forget) her name. 20. We ... (not/finish) our work by the time.


Ответ дал: vfhujif5530
10) I've ever had
11)had taken
12)????не поняла, что за слово в скобках
13)had already given
14)has been
15)had already left
16)I've never eaten
17)hadn't finished
19)have forgotten 
20)hadn't finished
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