The verb ‘to be’

Вставьте подходящую по смыслу форму глагола ‘to be’ в соответствующем времени и форме.

1 To my mind our boss … at the conference now.
2. … you at the University yesterday? – Yes, I … .
3. I hope they … in Moscow in two days’ time.
4. ‘… your mother at home?’ ‘No, she … . She … at work. She … at home at about 6 in the evening.’
5. ‘What… your friend’s name?’ ‘His name… David.’
6. Today I … sad but yesterday I … happy.
7. Last week Kelly … on holiday. I don’t know if she … home now.
8. Today … Sunday and we … at work. We … at home.
9. This weekend we … at home but next weekend we … in Greece.
10. ‘Where … you last Friday?’ ‘I … at the jazz concert.’


Ответ дал: Juliette3530
1. To my mind our boss IS at the conference now.

2. WERE you at the University yesterday? – Yes, I WAS.

3. I hope they WILL BE in Moscow in two days’ time.

4. IS your mother at home? - No, she ISN`T. She IS at work. She WILL BE at home at about 6 in the evening.

5. What IS your friend’s name? - His name IS David.

6. Today I AM sad but yesterday I WAS happy.

7. Last week Kelly WAS on holiday. I don’t know if she IS home now.

8. Today IS Sunday and we AREN`T at work. We ARE at home.

9. This weekend we ARE at home but next weekend we WILL BE in Greece.

10. Where WERE you last Friday? - I WAS at the jazz concert.
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