Допоможіть срочно!!!
Put into the plural.
1. This is an apple. 2.That is a house. 3. That is a car. 4. This is a chair. 5. Is This a table? 6. Is that a star? 7. Is this a garden? 8. Is that a bus?

dianarodzin: Це по займеннику
dianarodzin: дуже потрібно


Ответ дал: zorbing
1. This is an apple. - These are apples.
2. That is a house. - Those are houses.
3. That is a car. - Those are cars.
4. This is a chair. - These are chairs.
5. Is this a table? - Are these tanles?
6. Is that a star? - Are those stars?
7. Is this a garden? - Are these gardens?
8. Is that a bus?
- Are those buses?

this (этот, эта) - these (эти)
that (тот) - those (те)

dianarodzin: Велике спасибі)
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