Нужно сочинение на тему" какой я вижу Баку в будущем"


Ответ дал: 052856
Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan, the largest city on the Caspian Sea. Baku is located 28 meters belove sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world. It is located on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, which projects into the caspian sea. At the beginning of 2009, Baku's urban population was estimated at just over two million people. Officially, about 25 percent of all inhabitants of the country live in Baku's metropolitan area. Baku is divided into eleven administrative raions and 48 townships. The city is the scientific, cultural and industrial center of Azerbaijan.On September 15, 1918, after the liberation Baku was proclaimed capital city of  Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.Baku is famous for its Boulevard, Fountain Square, the State Flag Square, the newly constructed "Flame Towers", "Crystal Hall" where the "Eurovision" song contest was held, modern  cultural center - "Heydar Aliyev" which is one of the world's 5 best architectures, architectural buildings as mosques, sandy shores and beaches.Baku hosted the 57th Eurovision Song Contest in 2012 and will host the 2015 European Games. The name Baku is widely believed to be derived from the old Persian names of the city  Bad-kube meaning "Wind-pounded city". Столько смогла)

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