Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form
1.What does judy .....(have) trouble with? -- She ... (have) trouble speaking a foreign language.
2. ... (do) you like the film yesterday? -- No, we didn,t. The film ... (be) very dull.
3.Great Britain ... (have) rather changeable and cool climate, hasn,t it? --Yes, it ... (do).
4. Come and stay in our big city! It .. (be) ri ch in famous museums and parks.
5.Why does Sam look so sad?--He ...(have) trouble with his new mobile pgone
6. How many countyies ... (do) the UK consist of? -- It... (consist) of four countrise.
7. Listen! Why ... they ... (speak) so loudly?-- They ... (discuss) a new Inrernet project


Ответ дал: Juliette3530
1. What does Judy have trouble with? - She has trouble speaking a foreign language.

2. Did you like the film yesterday? - No, we didn`t. The film was very dull. 

3. Great Britain has rather changeable and cool climate, hasn`t it? - Yes, it has. 

4. Come and stay in our big city! It is rich in famous museums and parks.

5. Why does Sam look so sad? - He has trouble with his new mobile phone.

6. How many countries does the UK consist of? - It consists of four countries. 

7. Listen! Why are they speaking so loudly? - They are discussing a new Inrernet project.
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