Перекладіть текст О.Карпюк Some holidays and special days in britain


Ответ дал: Minochka
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Minochka: http://www.interactive-english.ru/topiki/211-holidays/#!
Minochka: Holidays in Great Britain
As for me, holidays in Great Britain are interesting and sometimes unusual for Russian people, or at least holiday’s customs and symbols.
Unfortunately, I’ve never been to England, and my desire is to visit Great Britain during Christmas celebration. The streets are crowded and all people choose gifts for friends and family members. The atmosphere is wonderful: there are a lot of Christmas trees everywhere; houses are decorated with candles and toys.
Minochka: Christmas is celebrated at the 25th of December and is thought to be a family holiday. Children decorate their Christmas trees with lights, toys, candies, candles and looking forward to receive presents from a Santa Claus, who is believed to come down the chimney and leave gifts in children’s stockings. Both children and adults like this magnificent holiday! Это продолжение текста
Ответ дал: rest58
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