Choose the correct variant in reported speech (выберите правильный вариант).
1. "I'm waiting for my parents," Nick said. - Nick said that he … for … parents.
A) is waiting, my
B) was waiting, his
C) was waiting, my
2. "I will come tomorrow and finish the work," the plumber said to grandma. - The plumber
promised grandma that he … the next day and … the work.
A) would come, finish
B) will come, finish
C) would come, will finish
3. "Don't make so much noise!" the man said to Pete. - The man asked … so much noise.
A) Pete to not make
B) Pete not to make
C) to Pete not to make
4. "Do you know where Kate is living?" Anne asked me. - Anne asked me if I … where … .
A) knew, was Kate living
B) knew, Kate was living
C) know, Kate is living
5. "Why didn't you say that to me?" she asked her friend. - She asked him why … that to her.
A) he didn't say
B) hadn't he said
C) he hadn't said
6. "I promise I'll write to you as soon as I arrive, Jane," said Nick. - Nick promised Jane that he
… to her as soon as he … .
A) will write, arrives
B) would write, arrives
C) would write, arrived


Ответ дал: Werrina

1. "I'm waiting for my parents," Nick said. - Nick said that he … for … parents.

B) was waiting, his

2. "I will come tomorrow and finish the work," the plumber said to grandma. - The plumber promised grandma that he … the next day and … the work.

A) would come, finish

3. "Don't make so much noise!" the man said to Pete. - The man asked … so much noise.

B) Pete not to make

4. "Do you know where Kate is living?" Anne asked me. - Anne asked me if I … where … .

B) knew, Kate was living

5. "Why didn't you say that to me?" she asked her friend. - She asked him why … that to her.

C) he hadn't said

6. "I promise I'll write to you as soon as I arrive, Jane," said Nick. - Nick promised Jane that he … to her as soon as he … .

C) would write, arrived

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