своё мнение об интернете сочинение по англиски срочно!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: galanova2001
Computers: A blessing or a curse? Nowadays many people think the question: What are our computers: blessing or curse? My essays are devoted to this topic. I believe computers are extremely useful to man. With them design buildings, a route used as 3D modeling. Some people use computers to find information quickly. On many computers now have the Net. Many people use it as a means to communicate, to find some information. However, it should be remembered that computers bring not only benefits but also harm: a sitting position for a long time, the effect of electromagnetic radiation monitor; eye fatigue, eye strain, overloading joints of the hands, the stress at the loss of information. To sum up, we need computers, but they benefit only if we properly distribute activities on the computer.
Ответ дал: nikamazur981
I used to think that the Internet - is a virtual world where you can find answers to any questions you.

When using it I found friends, classmates - I did was in full Ecstasy. In a simple world is sometimes not possible to find and communicate with old friends and acquaintances with whom you have not seen for many years, and then a burst of emotion ...

Possibilities of the Internet allow the common man to make friends, work, the second half, and sometimes even the meaning of life.

Where to go, when there is no friends, no friends, no specialists? In the Internet! At any time you can find there any answer to any question, solve a problem that ... In general, the Internet - it's great ...

If all of a sudden I do not have the possibility to use the Internet, I feel not so confident and comfortable ... Every minute we meet on the way problems and difficulties, and the Internet is helping us, though sometimes partially free of this ...

Well, that's my story and my opinion about the Internet !!!
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