Сообщите о принадлежности предмета, употребив притяжательное местоимение, данное в скобках:
e.g. That is an umbrella, (my) It's my umbrella.1. This is a typewriter, (her) 2. Those are books, (our) 3. These are maps, (their) 4. That is a tie. (his) 5. Those are pencils, (her) 6. That is a toy. (your) 7. This is a bed. (my) 8. Those are apples, (our) 9. That is a coat, (his) 10. Thatis a car. (their)


Ответ дал: Loreley1457
This is her typewriter, 2. Those are our books, 3. These are their maps, 4. That is his tie.  5. Those are her pencils,  6. That is your toy. 7. This is my bed. 8. Those are our apples, 9. That is his coat,  10. Thatis their car. 
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