Пожалуйста помогите срочно очень очень срочно пожалуйста будьте добрый!

11.2 Read the situations and write questions from the words in brackets.
1. John tells you that his mother is in hospital. You ask him:
(how long/be/in hospital?)
How long has your mother been in hospital?
2. You meet a woman who tells you that she teaches English. You ask her:
(how long/teach/English?)
3. You know that Jane is a good friend of Carol's. You ask Jane:
(how long/know/Carol?)
4. Your friend's brother went to Australia some time ago and he's still there. You ask your friend:
(how long/be/in Australia?)
5. Tim always wears the same jacket. It's a very old jacket. You ask him:
(how long/have/that jacket?)
6. You are talking to a friend about Alan. Alan now works at the airport. You ask your friend:
(how long/work/at the airport?)
7. A friend of yours is having driving lessons. You ask him:
(how long/have/driving lessons?)
8. You meet somebody on a train. She tells you that she lives in Glasgow. You ask her:
(always/live/in Glasgow?)


Ответ дал: diano4kaisaeva
1) как долго вы учите - английски?
как долго вы знаете Кэрол?
как долго ты был в Австралии?
сколько лет у тебя эта куртка куртка?
как долго ты на работаешь в аэропорту?
6)как долго ты учил уроки вождения?
7)всегда ли вы жилив Глазго?
1) how long have you been teaching English?
2)how long do you know Carol?
3)how long have you been in Australia?
4)how many years have you had this jacket is the jacket?
5)how long you work at the airport?
6)how long have you taught driving lessons?
7)do you always giliw Glasgow?

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