I. Fill in do / does and answer the questions.

2. ... you like pizza? - ...

3. ... you live next to the school? - ... .

4. ... your mother work in a bank? - ...

5. ... your parents watch TV in the morning? - ...

II. Use the prompts to ask and answer.

1. e.g. (Mary / go swimming / at weekends)

Does Mary go swimming at weekends?

No, she doesn't. She goes skiing.
2. (Eddie / drink water / in the morning)
3. (Ben and Mike / play football / after school)
4. (Betty / play / the piano)


Ответ дал: nunny
2. Do you like pizza? - Yes, I do.
3. Do you live next to the school? - Yes, I do.
4. Does your mother work in a bank? - Yes, she does.
5. Do your parents watch TV in the morning? - Yes, they do.
2. Does Eddie drink water in the morning? No, he doesn't. He drinks coffee.
3. Do Ben and Mike play football after school/ Nj, they don't. They play basketball.
4. Des Betty play the piano? No, she doesn't. She plays violin.

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