Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple/Past Simle
1. He … (go) to Africa in 1995 and he … (like) that trip very much.
2. My sister usually … (like) her steak well-done.
3. The cat … (eat) its toy last evening.
4. The doctor … (talk) to his patient on Monday morning.
5. … they … (have) a test last month?
6. You (to get) up early on Sunday? – Yes. But last Sunday I (to sleep) till ten o’clock.
7. How many lessons you (to have) every day?
8. Your brother (to be) a teacher? – Yes, he (to become) a teacher two years ago.
9. She (not to understand) the teacher at the last lesson.
10. You (to go) to the theatre? – Not very often. Usually we (to go) there once a month


Ответ дал: nunny
1. He went to Africa in 1995 and he liked that trip very much.
2. My sister usually … (likes) her steak well-done.
3. The cat … (ate) its toy last evening.
4. The doctor … (talked) to his patient on Monday morning.
5. Did  they … (have) a test last month?
6. Did you ( get) up early on Sunday? – Yes. But last Sunday I (slept) till ten o’clock.
7. How many lessons do you (have) every day?
8. Is your brother a teacher? – Yes, he (became) a teacher two years ago.
9. She di not to understand the teacher at the last lesson.
10. Do you ( go) to the theatre? – Not very often. Usually we (go) there once a month

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