3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму инфинитива или герундия.

1) She rang the bell, but there was no answer so she tried_________ on the window. (knock)

2) She stopped _________ when I came into the room. (talk)

3) Her watch stopped so she tried ___________ the battery. (change)

4) He tried _________ the sofa but couldn’t because it was too heavy. (move)

5) When he read all those awful reports he stopped _________ red meat.(eat)

6) Patrick stopped _________ some photos of the country. (take)

7) Hey, stop __________at me. It’s not my fault. (shout)

8) Your office is a bit dark, try __________ some light. (add)

9) I stopped at the traffic lights _________ while there are no cars. (wait)

10) All his friends tried __________ him. (help)


Ответ дал: nunny
1) She rang the bell, but there was no answer so she tried_________ on the window. (knocking)
2) She stopped _________ when I came into the room. (talking)
3) Her watch stopped so she tried ___________ the battery. (to change)
4) He tried _________ the sofa but couldn’t because it was too heavy. (to move)
5) When he read all those awful reports he stopped _________ red meat.(eating)
6) Patrick stopped _________ some photos of the country. (to take)
7) Hey, stop __________at me. It’s not my fault. (shouting)
8) Your office is a bit dark, try __________ some light. (adding)
9) I stopped at the traffic lights _________ while there are no cars. (to wait)
10) All his friends tried __________ him. (to help)

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