Упражнение 4.
Употребите в предложениях have или has
1. Mike... a brother.His brother ... a toy car.Many boys...toys car
2. Pupils...many pens and pencils.Little Kate ... many prns and pencils,too
3. His dog...three puppies.The puppies...good mother
4. Nick ...a sister.His sister ... many nice dolls
5. She... a dog.Her dog ...a short tail.Many dogs...short tails
6. Pete...a little rabbit and kitten
7. This cat...a gray kitten and that cat...a whitekitten
8. Foxes .. long tallis

Упражнение 5.
выберите правильный вариант

1.the lion have/has a big head
2.my mother have/has a king face
3.pat and Mary have/has kind partners
4.Ann have/has many toys
5.Tom have/has many friends
6. The tiger have/has sharp teeth


Ответ дал: lucksor
1. has/has/have
2. have/has
3. has/have
4. has/has
5. has/has/have
6. has
7. has/has
8. have
3. have
6. has
если 1 предмет или человек то has, а если много то have 
Ответ дал: drgoodgirl2014
1. Mike has a brother. His brother has a toy car. Many boys have toys car. 2. Pupils have many pens and pencils. Little Kate has many pens and pencils, too.  3. His dog has three puppies. The puppies have good mother.  4. Nick has a sister. His sister has many nice dolls.  5. She has a dog. Her dog has a short tail. Many dogs. Have short tails.  6. Pete has a little rabbit and kitten.  7. This cat has a gray kitten and that cat has a white kitten.  8. Foxes have long tales.    1.the lion has a big head  2.my mother has a king face  3.pat and Mary have kind partners  4.Ann has many toys  5.Tom has many friends  6. The tiger has sharp teeth
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