нужно выписать 5 предложений в пассив войс



Ответ дал: olesya2372
Подчеркнутое предложение относится к Passive Voice и следующие два. Во втором абзаце - 2 и 3 предложение.  В 3 абзаце - последние два предложения. 4  абзац - 4, 5 и последнее предложения.
Ответ дал: inararzazade
Many blacks were brought from Africa to America as slaves Different native songs were song by the  black slaves and the music of their homeland was played in America The first jazz bands were formed  at the end of the 19th century This means that jazz music is made up or is created on the spot Today jazz is played all over the world On every continent  special  festival are held where ……. Lets hope that no matter what happens in music jazz  will always be performed and listened to
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