написать рассказ на 100 слов ,вот фотография там задание ,вообще английский не понимаю помогите очень надо))



Ответ дал: sswagg
Hello my name is (впишешь свое имя ) and I really want to have a pen- friend . I am really kind and interesting girl . I want to help people and be a doctor . When I stay at home a watch tv , do my homework , and listen music .I like jazz music so I hope that we both have the same taste . I've got a dog , his name is Jarry and he's very lovable dog , he kisses everyone who gets in touch with him . I like to walk with jerry in the morning , but I don't like to wake up in early morning . I want to know something interesting about you ,I hope we become a friends . see you
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