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In fact most of students never do their homework. Not only because of laziness but also because of they dont have enough time for this. In my case i always try to do all my homework, but sometimes i just have no time. Next paragraphs will tell you my opinion about homework.

Undoubtebly, to do homework is necessary for every student because it helps to understand new material and not to forget old. In additional it is an indicator of commitment and desire to learn. On the other hand some teachers ask a lot of homework, so their pupils cant do this. However, many students simply dont do their homework because of their laziness and as the result they bery much regret about this.

Finally i want to say that to do homework is incredibly helpful for students. But unfortunately not all students do their homework


Ответ дал: Nikkie333
In fact most of the students never do their homework. Not only because of the laziness but also because of the fact that they dont have enough time for this. In my case i always try to do all my homework, but sometimes i just don't have time. In next paragraphs (или further) I will explain to you my opinion about homework.

Undoubtebly, Doing homework is necessary for every student because it helps to understand new material and not to forget the old one. In addition, it is an indicator of commitment and desire to learn. On the other hand, some teachers ask a lot of homework, so their pupils cant do this. However, many students simply dont do their homework because of their laziness and as the result they regret very much about this.

Finally i want to say that doing homework is incredibly helpful for students. But, unfortunately, not all the students do their homework

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