Употребите глагол в скобках в правильной форме.
1. A: I wish I ...could play... (play) a musical instrument.
B: You should take lessons.
2. A: If only the wind ..................... (stop) blowing so hard.
B: Yes, it's very windy today, isn't it?
3. A: I wish John ..................... (come) with us.
B: So do I. He would have really enjoyed it.
4. A: Paul, I wish you ..................... (stop) making so much noise.
B: Sorry, I'll try.
5. A: I wish I ..................... (study) more when I was at school.
B: It doesn't matter now. You've got a good job.
6. A: I wish I ..................... (be) young again.
B: So do I. We had some good times back then.
7. A: I wish I ..................... (not/speak) to Jane like that.
B: Don't worry. I'm sure she'll forgive you.
8. A: If only Bob ..................... (call) me.
B: Well, he promised to call today.
9. A: I'm exhausted. I wish I ..................... (do) some of the housework yesterday.
B: Sorry I wasn't here to help you.
10. A: I wish you ..................... (make) less noise when you come in.
B: It's not my fault. The door squeaks when you open it.
11. A: Are you going to your school reunion party next week?
B: No. I wish I ..................... (go) because I would like to see everyone again.


Ответ дал: Vica176

1. A: I wish I could play a musical instrument.

B: You should take lessons.

2. A: If only the wind would stop blowing so hard.

B: Yes, it's very windy today, isn't it?

3. A: I wish John had come with us.

B: So do I. He would have really enjoyed it.

4. A: Paul, I wish you would stop making so much noise.

B: Sorry, I'll try.

5. A: I wish I had studied more when I was at school.

B: It doesn't matter now. You've got a good job.

6. A: I wish I were young again.

B: So do I. We had some good times back then.

7. A: I wish I hadn’t spoken to Jane like that.

B: Don't worry. I'm sure she'll forgive you.

8. A: If only Bob would call me.

B: Well, he promised to call today.

9. A: I'm exhausted. I wish I had done some of the housework yesterday.

B: Sorry I wasn't here to help you.

10. A: I wish you would make less noise when you come in.

B: It's not my fault. The door squeaks when you open it.

11. A: Are you going to your school reunion party next week?

B: No. I wish I could go because I would like to see everyone again.

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