Write sentences using the first conditional.
1.Maybe it'll snow tomorrow. Then I'll go skiing.
2. Maybe my sister will buy a new mobile phone. Then she'll give me her old one.
3. Maybe our teacher won't come to school tomorrow. Then we won't have a test.
4. Maybe my mum will let me get a dog. Then I'll call it Lucky.
5. Maybe my grandparents will visit us this weekend. Then we'll play cards together.


Ответ дал: Аноним
If it snows tomorrow, I will go skiing.
If my sister buys a new mobile phone, she will give me her old one.
If our teacher doesn't come to school tomorrow, we won't have a test.
If my mum lets me get a dog, I'll call it Lucky.
If my grandpents visit us this weekend, we'll play cards together.

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