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A trip I'd like to take.
I have never been to _________
I'd like to go there because __________
I'll go there with ________
I want to stay ___________
I want to visit ____________
I want to______________
I think I'll ________________

I want to visit


Ответ дал: Аришkа
I have never been to New Zealand
I'd like to go there, because this is a very beautiful country/
I'll go there with my family.
I want to stay in Wellington.
I want to visit some museums there.
I want to see its amazing nature.
I think I'll be very happy in such trip
I'm sure that New Zealand people would be nice to meet new tourists

ЮляША43: Спасибоооо!!!!!
kadr4: ЮляША43 вы в каком классе учитесь???
ЮляША43: В 5а
Вас заинтересует