Помогите, срочно надо: 1)If we .... a boat, we......go sailing in the Mediterranean.(own, can)
2)I ...... nervous if I ...... appear on television.(feel, have to)
3)If you......to Paul, he ....... so angry.(apologise, not be)
4)If we ....... wars, the world ...... a much better place.(not have, be)
5)More people ..... to that café if they ........ nicer food.(go, serve)
6) I ...... to the leisure centre if it ...... a swimming pool.( not go, not have)

nastyonkadedkova: есть само задание?
mariyakim: Да
mariyakim: Complete the sentences. Use the second conditional


Ответ дал: nastyonkadedkova
1) If we owned a boat, we would have to go sailing in the Mediterranean.
2) I would feel nervous if i had to appear on television.
3) If you apologised to Paul? he wouldn't be so angry.
4) If we hadn't wars? the world would be much better.
5) More people would go to that cafe if they served nicer food.
6) I wouldn't go to the leisure center if it hadn't a swimming pool.
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