Сделайте упражнение 4(написать только,когда Том что-то делал.



Ответ дал: Аноним
1. When did Sam meet Tom Kelly?
     He met Tom Kelly on 2 June.
2. When did Sam go to the bank?
     He went to the bank on 3 June.
3. When did Sam phone John on his birthday?
     He phoned John on his birthday on 4 June.
4. When did Sam go to Manchester by 10 o'clock train?
     He went to Manchester by 10 o'clock train on 5 June.
5. When did Sam spend his weekend at Brighton?
     He spent his weekend at Brighton on 9 June.
6. When did Sam go to the restaurant with Polly?
     He went to the restaurant with Polly on 10 June.
7. When did Sam have his business lunch at the Savoy?
     He had his business lunch at the Savoy on 12 June.
8. When did Sam attend the baseball match at Richmond Stadium?
     He attended the baseball match at Richmond Stadium on 14 June.
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