Answer the questions.
1.Who cooks breakfast in your family?
2.Who goes to school in the morning?
3.Who goes to work?
4.Who stays home?
5.Who does the shopping?
6.Who tidies up the house?
7.Who helps out at home?
8.Who walks the dog?
9.Who washes the floor?
10.Who reads in the evening?
11.Who plays computer games?


Ответ дал: olesya2372
Вместо who вставить какого-то члена семьи и дальше по тексту:
1. My mother cooks...
2. I go to school...
3. My father...
4. My grandmother...
5. My mother...
6. My sister...
7. My father...
8. I walk...
9. My sister...
10. My grandmother...
11. I play...

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