ПОМОГИТЕ Переделать предложения в прямую речь
"you were rigth bob "she admits
"i shall call you if they arriver"mary says to him
maggie says to her friends:"i've never seen this"
"i left natalie a massagean hour ago"she says
"i don't want to take this medicine"she complains
"My life is busy/she is receiving guestsat the moment "mr.burton says

KorMV: she is receiving guests...- не поняла. наверное это следующее предложение


Ответ дал: KorMV
То есть в косвеную???
She admits that Bob was right
Mary says to him that she will call him if they arrive
Maggy says to her friends that she has never seen that
She says that she left Natalie a massage an hour before
She complains that she doesn't want to take that medicine
Mr. Burton says that his life is busy

оляjus: да,спасибо большое)
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