Помогите пожалуйста, вставить пропущенные слова на английском языке , для уч-ся 3 класса, Вот предложение, My name ...... Kate Brom? I m..... I m...... Ameriga.I ve .....a sister.Her......is Pam.... is five. I ve got a ....,.too...name .... Bod. He ....eight. We ve got ....toys. We like to.....with them. Pam likes .....skip. Bod ..... .... swim. I like ....play leap-frog and..... .Have you ....a brother.....a sister? How old .....they?What games..... they like to play?


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
My name is Kate.
I'm from America.
I've got a sister.
Her name is Pam.
She is five.
I've got a brother, too.
His name is Bob.
He is eight.
We've got many toys.
We like to play with them.
Pam likes to skip.
Bob likes to swim.
I like to play leap-frog and hide-and-seek .
Have you got a brother or a sister?
How old are they?
What games do they like to play?
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