Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в present simple.
My working day(to begin)at six o clock.
I (to get) up,(to switch) on the TV and(to brush) my teeth.It(to take) me about twenty minutes.I(to have) breakfast at seven o clock.I(to leave)home at half past seven.I(to take) a bus to the institute.It usually(to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.Classes(to begin) at eight.We usually(to have)four classes a day.I(to have) lunch at about 2 o clock


Ответ дал: filipp101
Begins get up switch brush takes have leave take takes begin have have

mihasemenov: Спасибо бро
mihasemenov: Поможешь еще а то я в инглише ноль
filipp101: помогу
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