Рецепт пицы на английском языке 6класа


Ответ дал: Aukav
or the dough:

flour - 1 Cup (heaped)
sour cream - 1/2 Cup
sugar - 2 tsp.
egg - 2 pieces
butter - 2-3 tablespoons
salt - 1/2 tsp.

for the filling:

bacon - 200g
cheese - 600g
cauliflower - 300g
egg - 2 pieces
carrots - 2 PCs
onion - 1 onion
ground black pepper, salt - to tasteTo cook Pizza with bacon, cheese and vegetables should:

Prepare puff pastry, roll out and place on a baking sheet, greased.

Bacon cut into small cubes and put in the dough.

Carrots and onions cut into slices, mix, add the cauliflower, salt and pepper to taste. Vegetables to put a layer of bacon.

Curd mix well with the eggs and cover with a mixture of the surface of the pizza. Put the pan with the pizza into the hot oven and bake for 25-30 minutes.
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