. Put the verbs into the correct form: present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.

1 I remember the day you got your exam results. We …………………..a film in the sitting-room when you rushed in and told us. (watch)

2 I tried to explain the situation to my parents, but they just what I was

talking about, (not / understand)

What have you put in my burger? It absolutely disgusting, (taste)

Peter always claimed that he was innocent, but for many years no-one........... him. (believe)

It's a great jacket, I know, but unfortunately it to me. I'm just

borrowing it for the party this evening, (not / belong)

Why that thin dress? You'll freeze to death in this cold wind! (you / wear)

Molly's fed up because she hurt her ankle when she this morning, (jog)

While I was admiring the view, someone stole the bag which all my

traveller's cheques, (contain)

9 Look! that man standing beside the cash desk? I'm sure he's planning to steal something, (you / see)

Tea or coffee? I'm making both, so just say which you (prefer)

The boys didn't want to come shopping with us because they the

football on television, (watch)


Ответ дал: bizon40
1 We were watching
2 but they just didn't understand
3 it tastes absolutely disgusting
but for many years no-one believed him
It's a great jacket, I know, but unfortunately it doesn't belong to me
6 Why are you wearing that thin dress
Molly's fed up because she hurt her ankle when she was jogging this morning
someone stole the bag which contained all my traveller's cheques
9 Look! Do you see that man...
so just say which you prefer
11 because they they were watching football on television
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