I. Выберите правильный вариант

1. This chair is ... that the other one.

a) much comfortable
b) many more comfortable
c) very comfortable
d) more comfortable

2. Cindy is ... girl I have ever met.
a) the smartest
b) smartier
c) the most smartest
d) smarter
3. Jim’s is ... restaurant in our city.
a) the expensiviest
b) the more expensive
c) expensivest
d) the most expensive

4. It was ... joke I have ever heard!
a) more funnier
b) the funniest
c) the most funniest
d) funnier

5. In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all.
a) more dangerous
b) the dangeroustest
c) very dangerous
d) the most dangerous

6. Do you know that dinosaurs were ... than houses?
a) bigger
b) smaller
c) the biggest
d) the smallest

7. I enjoy living in the country. It’s a lot ... than the city.
a) peacefulier
b) many peaceful
c) more peaceful
d) the most peaceful

8. Their car was twice as ... as ours.
a) more expensive
b) expensive
c) expensivie
d) the most expensive

9. My brother is ... than me.
a) elder
b) older
c) more older
d) the oldest

10. Chemistry is ... of all subjects.
a) more difficult
b) the most difficult
c) much more difficult
d) difficultiest

11. I am 1.9 cm ... than you are.
a) tallest
b) moretaller
c) tallier
d) taller

12. I think my cat is …. of all the cats in the world.
a) prettier
b) the prettiest
c) the most pretty
d) more prettier
II. Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных
e.g. wet – wetter – the wettest

1. big
2. clever
3. good
4. pleasant
5. poor
6. bad
7. funny
8. important
9. sunny
10. far
11. comfortable
12. wise

III. Составьте из данных слов предложения и переведите их.
1. most / the Mona Lisa / in / is / painting / the / famous / the / world.
2. longer / the Don / is / the Volga / than.
3. more / Spain / Germany / than / beautiful / is.
4. London / city / in / biggest / the / England / is.
5. the / team / Adam / is / worst / the / player / in.

IV. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или в Past Simple
1. I (know) _______ her for six years.
2. He (live) _______ in Paris from 1997 to 2000.
3. Where's Pete? I (not see) _______ Pete last night.
4. We (be) _______ in this class since September.
5. I (not watch) _______ this video yet.
6. You (ever work) ______ in a shop?


Ответ дал: amirka10
1. d
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. d

amirka10: 11. d 12. b
Аноним: а дальше?
amirka10: big bigger the biggest more clever the most clever better the best poorer the poorest bad worse the worst funnier the funniest more important the most important sunnier the sunniest farther the farthest more comfortable the most comfortable wiser the wisest
amirka10: The MOna Lisa painting is the most famous in the world
amirka10: The Volga is longer than the Don
amirka10: Spain is more beautiful than Germany
amirka10: London is the biggest city in England
amirka10: Adam is the worst player in the team
Аноним: а дальше!?
amirka10: i have known He has lived I haven't seen We have studied I haven't watched Have you ever worked
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