Turn the sentences into Reported Speech
She says - We are going to France next summer.
Peter says - I am so happy to see you.
Betty says - Do not worry!
Pupils tell the teacher - We went to the theatre yesterday.
Mr Jones says - I had already had my breakfast


Ответ дал: Аноним
She says they are going to France next summer.
Peter says he is so happy to see me.
Betty says not to worry.
Pupils tell the teacher that they went to the theatre yesterday.
Mr. Jones says he had already had his breakfast.

М240203: а 1
М240203: Turn the sentences into Reported Speech She says - We are going to France next summer. Peter says - I am so happy to see you.
М240203: вот 1
М240203: а нет все ок СПС
Аноним: Я тебе ещё тогда сказал: разуй свои глаза да прочитай. До чего же тупой-то надо быть, ёлы-палы.
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