Помогите пожалуйста!Чтобы получились правдивые предложения,впиши в них I think или I don't think.1)....veqetables are very tasty.2).....cakes are tastier than bread.3).....salads are qood for us.4).....mineral water is qood for us.5)......cornflakes with chocolate milk is a very nice breakfast.6)........pizza comes from Italy.


Ответ дал: Аноним
1) I don't think veegetables are very tasty.
2) I think cakes are tastier than bread.
3) I think salads are good for us.
4) I think mineral water is good for us.
5) I think cornflakes with chocolate milk is a very nice breakfast.
6) I don't think pizza comes from Italy.
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