The present simple Tense 10 предложения примеры


Ответ дал: Аноним
She plays in a street
He does his homework
I run on a racetrack
She eats a fish
Does he ride a bike?
Do you go with me?
I don't want eat it 
She plays computers games
I don't like this games
Do you ride a book?
She doesn't love him

raushan010996: спасибо
Аноним: не за что
raushan010996: один предложение лишние.не поняла.Вы можете написать каждый предложение на большой буквам??
Аноним: хорошо
Ответ дал: Попугай1
She doesn't read books in the park every summer .
Tommy plays with your friends every day.
Do they watch sitcom usually?
He plays in the football every morning.
My brother goes to the park with our parents .
Jim's grandmother goes to the shopping usually.
Nelly sleeps every day.
Ketrin doesn't have lunch every day, becouse she in the school.
Do you go to the cinema always?

raushan010996: spasibo
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