1)The sisters...... their beds in the morning
a) make b) do c) clean
2) Did you ..... the flowers yesterday
a) clean b) water c) make
3) L'II ...... my homework on Sunday
a) go b) make c) do
4) Jane , will you help me to ....... the washing up
a) make b) do c) clean
5) Mag's father ........ the stars in the evening
a) sees b) looks c) watches
надо вставить слова. Слова внизу под предложениями


Ответ дал: alinashar45
1)The sisters make their beds in the morning
a) make
b) do c) clean
2) Did you water the flowers yesterday
a) clean b) water c) make
3) L'II do my homework on Sunday
a) go b) make c) do
4) Jane , will you help me to do the washing up
a) make b) do c) clean
5) Mag's father watche the stars in the evening
a) sees b) looks c) watches

Ответ дал: riry01
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
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