раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в прошедшем времени
I 1) was (be) at the circus yesterday. There 2) .......(be) a lot of animals there. They 3) ......(be) funny. The dogs 4) ....... (dance) to the music. The monkeys 5) ........(play) the piano. The pigeons 6)....... (walk) on the ball. The clowns 7)..............(be) funny too. We 8).......(watch) their tricks and 9)........(laugh) a lot. I 10) .........(be) happy. I 11).........(like) the circus!


Ответ дал: mallow1991
2 were
3 were
4 danced
5 played
6 walked
7 were
8 watched
9 laughed 
10 was
11 liked 
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