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Strange Things

A sailor came to his native village from sea.His parents and relatives gathered around him to

listen to his adventures.And the sailor began to boast:"I was in many countries and saw a lot of strange things. Once our ship got to a sea of milk, in the middle of which there was a mountain of sugar and an island of chese.And when we were in the Pacific Ocean we saw a flying fish.There flying fish can fly for a long time when the enemies are after them".
Then hs mother said:"I can believe that there are seas of milk and island of chese,but I can not believe in flying fish,son".


Ответ дал: tatyanatimofee1
was, saw, began, came 
Остальные глаголы находятся в форме настоящего времени
Ответ дал: Аноним
came - come
began - begin
was  - is (be)
saw - see
got - get
were - are (be)
- say
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