Use the phrases in brackets to make sentences using the past perfect or the past perfect continuous, as in the example.
1 They were afraid. (see a bear) They had seen a bear
2 He was tired. (sweep water from his house)
3 Mary was worried. (Tom leave the mab at home)
4 He felt angry. (wait for the police for an hour)
5 The roads were flooded. (rain all week)
6 Harry's head was sore (a tree fall on him)


Ответ дал: nivinna
1.They were afraid. They had seen a bear
2 He was tired.He had swept water from his house 
3 Mary was worried. Tom has  left  the mab at home
4 He felt angry. He has bben waiing t for the police for an hour
5 The roads were flooded. It has been raining all week
6 Harry's head was sore: a tree had fallen on him
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