Помогите сделать, пожалуйста! Нужно вставить одно из 3 слов ниже. Спасибо. I've 1)___ a pet. It's a cat. Her 2)____ is Fluffly.
She's got a fat body and a long tail 4)____ eyes are green. She got short 5)___ Fluffy can jump and play. She can clump a tree 6)___. She's 7)____ funny. 1) a) have b) has c) got; 2) a)body b)name c) head; 3) a)but b) too c) and; 4) a) My b) Her c) His; 5) a) eyes b) nose c) ears; 6) a)and b) too c) but; 7) a) yes b)no c)very.


Ответ дал: ILOVEYOU99
i've got a pet . it is a cat . her name is Fluffy . She's got a fat body and a long tail her eyes are green. She got short ears Fluffy can jump and play. She can climb a tree too. She's very funny.
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