вставить предлоги в предложения
1. I get up early ____ the morning and go to bed late ____ night.
2. The dinner is ____ the table.
3. ____ the evening he plays squash.
4. I am standing ____ the bridge.
5. They live there ___ 1992, ____ over 18 years.
6. "Hamlet" was written …….Shakeреаге.
7. We eat soup ... a spoon.
8. He was killed ... a knife.
9. Tahiti is a South Pacific island famous ____ its unique history and friendly people.
10. My explanation seemed strange ... the teacher.


Ответ дал: sev1512
1. I get up early in  the morning and go to bed late at  night.
2. The dinner is on  the table.
3. In  the evening he plays squash.
4. I am standing near  the bridge.
5. They live there from 1992, ____ over 18 years.
6. "Hamlet" was written by .Shakeреаге.
7. We eat soup with  a spoon.
8. He was killed by a knife.
9. Tahiti is a South Pacific island famous by its unique history and friendly people.
10. My explanation seemed strange to the teacher.

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