Я составила текст про Стив Джобса на английском. Исправьте пожалуйста ошибки, очень прошу, если есть.
This is a story of Steve Jobs
He was born in San Francisco
At the age of 20 he became more and more interested in computers.
Later in 1980 he met with his friend Stephen
Next year appeared the computer
In 1997 he started to work for Apple
Most of his friends say that it's cool
It is not surprising that he was famous
Finally existence today company "Apple"


Ответ дал: brighatt
Story ABOUT Steve jobs
He met his friend

brighatt: может еще есть, но я вроде не заметила больше
Ksushunka78: Проверь пожалуйста, так правильно все будет?
Ksushunka78: This is a story about Steve Jobs
He was born in San Francisco
At the age of 20 he became more and more interested in computers.
Later in 1980 he met his friends Stephen
Next year appeared the computer
In 1997 he started to work for Apple
Most of his friends say that it's cool
It is not surprising that he was famous
Finally existence today company "Apple"
Ksushunka78: правильно?
brighatt: вроде да, ну и правильнее будет еще написать many of his friends, а не most
Ksushunka78: там так надо в примере
Ksushunka78: а по временам не надо ничего изменять?
brighatt: в предложении про друзей said а не say
brighatt: а так вроде все правильно) но я не уверена на 100%
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