Срочно нужен текст на англиском про русского писателя (8 предложений).


Ответ дал: super12343434
Alexander Pushkin - great national poet. His personality and work with great force showed such remarkable features of the Russian people, like freedom, multilateral endowments, powerful creative force.One of the distinguishing features of Pushkin as a writer was an extraordinary diversity of his creative talent. In his artistic creativity Pushkin and acts as a lyricist and as a playwright, novelist and how widely and deeply covered in a variety of genres, performed the inner world of human life and human society. This I like Pushkin.Many of his creative powers Pushkin gave create deeply sincere, realistic lyrics. Lyricism pervades his poems and wonderful novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". Contemporaries brought Pushkin as the father of Russian realist lyrics. Lyrics was the way the poet as an opportunity to directly express their thoughts, reflections on life, to convey their feelings and moods, to participate in the socio-political and literary life of Russia.Pushkin's work strikes me not only a wealth of depth of ideas and images, mastery of the art form, but also the variety of genres.Sociable, who knew how to appreciate people, Pushkin had many friends, has written about friendship. Friendship for him was the force that connects people in a strong alliance for life, infuses courage in the struggle of life.
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