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6.The police has arrested five people
7.I have never eat such a bad meal.
8.There is a museum which has rich collection of toys.
9.I have never been in India.
10.I know you are busy now. You must not do the work today.You can do it tomorrow

EvrikaBeauty: 6. The police HAVE arrested five people.
EvrikaBeauty: I have never eaten such a bad meal.
EvrikaBeauty: 9. I have never been to India.
EvrikaBeauty: 10. You don't have to do the work today.


Ответ дал: ElskerNorge
6.The police HAVE arrested five people
7.I have never eatEN such a bad meal.
8 It is a museum which(that) has a rich collection of toys.
9.I have never been TO India.
10.I know you are busy now. You DON'T HAVE TO do the work today.You can do it tomorrow
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