прочитай письмо. Раскрой скобки и "одень" глаголы дракоши в форму городов Present Simple или Past Simple

Dear Chan,
How are you?
I"m in Paris. The weather is warm.It is sunny and the city (be) _____________ beautiful. We often (eat) _____________ in little street cafes . Mum (love) _______________ their coffee and I (like) ___________ their cakes. Last week we (visit))____________ a lot of museums and (take) __________________ three hundred photos. Yesterday we (see) _____________ the Eiffel Tower.
I miss you very much.
Please write soon,


Ответ дал: tanyabryga
Dear Chan, 
How are you?
I"m in Paris. The weather is warm.It is sunny and the city is beautiful. We often eat in little street cafes . Mum loves their coffee and I like their cakes. Last week we visited a lot of museums and took three hundred photos. Yesterday we  saw the Eiffel Tower. 
I miss you very much.
Please write soon, 

Dianochkasenko: спасибище!
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