Задание:Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences.
1) If the weather (be)fine,i (go) to the beach.
2)We(do) it when John(come).
3)When Mary (ring) me up,i (talk) to her.
4) If it (rain),we (stay) at home.
5)If it (rain,not),we (go) for a walk


Ответ дал: ShappyMC
Will be fine, goes Will be doing,comes Rings,will be talking Will be rain,staying Won't be rain,going
Ответ дал: nunny
1) If the weather is fine, I'll go to the beach.
2) We shall do it when John comes.
3) When Mary rings me up, I shall talk to her.
4) If it rains, we'll stay at home.
5) If it doesn't rain, we'll go for a walk.

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