Раскройте скобки и поставте глаголы в Present Perfect.
John (write) his name. I(draw) a picture. Tom (blow out) the bicycle to his brother. You (make) a mistake. We (eat) our dinner. The train just (go). I just (tell) the answer. George never (be) in Australia. John and Richard just (go away). The baker (sell) all his cakes. I (read) this book.


Ответ дал: EvrikaBeauty
John has written his name. I have drawn a picture. Tom has blown out the bicycle to his brother. You have made a mistake. We have eaten our dinner. The train has just gone. I have just told the answer. George has never been in Australia. John and Richard have just gone away. The baker has sold all his cakes. I have read this book. 

sanse197364: сптсибо, блин как это зделал не пойму ну всё пока
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