1 The decorations (complete) an hour ago. 2. The prepara­tions for the party just (finish) and the guests are already arriv­ing. 3. The baby (feed) an hour ago. 4. Christopher (feed) yet? — Not yet. 5. He (not see) for a week already. 6, The paper (not read) by anyone yet. 7. The suit (not wear) for a long time. 8. This fact (not mention) in his last speech. 9. I'm happy as I just (allow) to stay here for an extra day. 10. She (teach) music in her childhood. 11. You ever (teach) to play chess? 12. I just (advise) to keep to a diet. 13. The sportsmen (give) in­structions before the match. 14. The motorist (disqualify) some five months ago. 15. I can't believe my eyes! My book (publish) already! 16. I am not going to the party. I (not invite). 17. The first baths (build) by the Romans. 18. Where is my bicycle? It's gone. It (steal). 19. This room looks different. It (paint) since I was last here? 20. Why have you come today? — The date of the meeting (change)

dajesa: past infinite passive or present perfect passive


Ответ дал: nunny
1 The decorations (were completed) an hour ago. 2. The prepara­tions for the party have just (been finished) and the guests are already arriv­ing. 3. The baby (was fed) an hour ago. 4. Has Christopher (been feed) yet? — Not yet. 5. He (has not been seen) for a week already. 6, The paper (has not been read) by anyone yet. 7. The suit (has not been worn) for a long time. 8. This fact (was not mentioned) in his last speech. 9. I'm happy as I have just (been allowed) to stay here for an extra day. 10. She (was taught) music in her childhood. 11. Have you ever (been taught to play chess? 12. I have just (been advised) to keep to a diet. 13. The sportsmen (were given) in­structions before the match. 14. The motorist (was disqualified) some five months ago. 15. I can't believe my eyes! My book (has been published) already! 16. I am not going to the party. I (have not been invited). 17. The first baths (were built) by the Romans. 18. Where is my bicycle? It's gone. It has been (stolen). 19. This room looks different. Has it (been painted) since I was last here? 20. Why have you come today? — The date of the meeting (has been changed).
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