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Ответ дал: Виквик
1. 1)lives
4) she lives not in Britain
6) starts
7)She not gets up early.
9)he have not lunch
10) plays
11)he not speaks English Well
2. 1) He liveS in Oxford.
2)She Sometimes eatS in a restaurant.
3)Michael Riley isn't married.
4)Rita haves a new car.
3. 1) Does Uncle Podge like a little job?
2) Does Tom McKenzy work for a newspaper?
3) When do we usually go to a seaside?
4)Is Jack swimming to a big rock?
5) Can I read English books quite Well?
3. 1l When does your brother get up? He gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning. But now he still sleeps.
2)She talks rather fluently. I Can't understand her. I don't understand her.
3)What do you read? I read an adventure book. I like to read.
4) Where is Tom? He is playing football. He always plays football on Sundays.
5)When do Bess her homework? She don't do her homework. she is very lazy.

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