Решите плииз!Срочно!!!...



Ответ дал: enilatak
1B. I am going, she is working
2A. are you dong
2B. I am studying
2A. Are you want
3A. are you cooking
3B. I am trying
3A. is smelling
4A. I am going
4B. want, need (не меняется)
4A. understand (не меняется)
Ответ дал: KateKern
1  A: Hey , Stacey! Where are you going?
    B: I`m going to the supermarket. Mum can`t go today because she is working until late
     A: That`s a good idea. The fridge is almost empty
2   A: What are you doing right now?
     B: I`m studing for the History test
     A: Do you want to take a break?...
3   A: What are you cooking mum?
     B: I`m trying a new recipe. It`s an Italian dish
     A; Well, it smells delicious. I can`t wait to taste it!
4    A: I`m going to the shops now. Can you join me?
      B: I want to come but i can`t. I need to study for my exams.
      A: No problem I understand.
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